Female Psychologist
At Baywest Medical Centre, this female Psychologist is a fully registered General Psychologist with post graduate qualifications (Masters degrees) in Sexual Health and Research and over 25 years of practice experience.
She values a Humanist approach to her practice and regards the therapeutic relationship between therapist and client/patient as a critical element for successful intervention.
She has practice knowledge of working with families and individual members of families across a range of issues and where a family member has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She is confident working with adult clients/patients both male and female across a range of commonly presenting issues such as anxiety, depression, marital issues, other relationship issues, Asperger’s Disorder, traumatic incident recovery, Family Court system stressors, financial wellbeing, domestic abuse, perinatal health and wellbeing.
Please call us on 07 – 3396 5309 to book an appointment or you can book online.
Please NOTE: For New patients to the Practice a $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required, and will be taken when you book your appointment. This will be taken off the cost of the appointment when you attend. If the appointment is not cancelled within 24 hours this fee will not be refunded.
Call us to register your appointment on 07 3396 5309
or Book Online now using our online booking link